
Wednesday 7 September 2011

Evaluation of our practice music video

With little time, and absences in our group it became clear when discussing with other group members that our music video was rushed and needed more time and effort. The narrative was not clear to the other group members as they were unsure of what was happening, unfortunately some shots had to be reused making the music video seem repetitive and the other groups said that we could have used more variety of locations, and different things happening in the video.

On a more positive note, the range of shots used were good and the black and white editing worked very well, the elements such as the style/look of the cast were described as nice and spot on with the era we were going for, our choice of costumes were described as interesting. Overall the music video ran smoothly and was put together well, the editing most definitely helped to liven it up and proved to be an important factor. 

In future, a lot more planning must be spent on the production of the music video, the practice video helped establish the importance of editing and planning which will be focused more on in future.

Our completed practice music video:

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