This is an advertisement for the American band, Eagles. The layout of it is very simple yet effective. The simple layout is very modern and probably their marketing technique to attempt to sell to a younger and influential audience. The whole page is of the desert and in a bold white font it says "EAGLES". At the bottom it says in a big font that it is "the number 1 album". This bold statement attracts the mature audience of Empire magazine. The Eagles were very successful in the 1970's and this is one of their more recent albums. The target audience for their music will be slightly vague as they have been performing for so long but this advertisement is featured in a magazine like Empire which is very respected and have a mature target audience.

This CD advertisement is for the a 'greatest indie records of all time' which includes the hugely successful British band, The Smiths. The Smiths have done very well and to target their key audience they used an image of the band from their 'hey-day'. This black and white image also gives the advertisement a vintage feel which is very popular in culture today. The text is on a piece of paper from a notepaper and the CD that is being advertised is on it. The text is informal and slightly like handwriting, they are probably trying to give the affect that it is all scribbled down on some paper. "The Smiths" and "plus! free 15 track indie CD!" are both in red whereas the rest is in black and a slightly smaller font. Even though this is a compilation CD with various artists on from the 'indie' genre they have greatly focused in on The Smiths and used them to sell it.
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