Initial Idea:
We used the outline from this skull for our own one. We really liked it as it wasn't too weird or scary but was just right and perfect for what we needed. We also tried to recreate the colour scheme of this skull because we really wanted to have a lot of colour with our own one to go along with the colourful Mexican theme.
We were going to use this skull as inspiration but the cheekbones were just too prominent. Although we did like the circle pattern around the eyes, similar to a few of the other skulls.
The above 2 images features crosses which we really liked. For some weird reason we decided to add this to our own skull and luckily it looks very good.
The above 2 images are of actual skulls with small beads glued onto them. They have a really tribal and are very colourful, especially the second one which we like.
We were draw to the red lips of this skull mainly as we feature red lipstick and lips in our video with our main girl, Julide. In our final image, we put red lips on our skull.
Second Idea:
If we were to paint a skull design on our model and main girl in the video, Julide we would have use the above image as our main inspiration.
We later came across images of these girls who have painted skulls onto their faces, this idea was intriguing however it was not so practical for us as we only had a week left to compete everything. Although this would have been a good idea to use on our main girl who was in the music video, we decided not to go ahead with it, instead we went back to our first idea and created a hand drawing ourselves.