
Sunday 23 October 2011

Katy - Individual Role in Group

In our group i have tried to make sure that we were always on track, especially in our lessons we would tend to get off topic so i try to make sure we always do work and know what we are supposed to be doing. I usually update the blog with things like photos of the locations and cast as well as research. These types of posts are the kind of thing that we need on our blog to help bulk it up and show our progressing and efforts in making the music video. The music video choice was up to Alex and Ellis mainly because they knew it more but this was a positive for me because i would be doing this music video for a song i don't know and won't have any biased ideas for it. For the location, we had a few choices but they fell through which left us with the Leytonstone pub, Sheepwalk as our final option. Fortunately, i know the owners which meant that we could get a secure yes to filming there and a warm welcome. Alex and I were the more dominant figures in the group s we made sure we got things done and motivated the others.

photos of our location: Sheepwalk

The above images are of the location we have chosen for our music video. Ellis,  Alex and myself (Katy) went down to the venue to see what it was actually like and it really impressed us. It was so much better than we thought it would be and will hopefully look great in our final outcome. There is a large and open dance floor which will be mainly for our lead girl (Julide) to dance on and then a small stage area for the band as well as a bar area and seating to help set the scene.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Schedule for the Filming

Our plan is to film all of our music video at the Sheepwalk pub that is located in Leytonstone on the 19th and 20th of October. As our lead characters, Daniel Drinkwater ad Julide Ayger are not free until 3pm because of school commitments so we are forced to either film after school hours and/or at the weekend. Another possibility is to film the week after as it is the October half term. This way, hopefully, everything would go a lot smoother as school and other commitments aren't in the way.

Location of Music Video

This is the venue which we have chosen to film the music video in. It goes by the name of Sheepwalk, which is located in Leytonstone. The reason we have chosen this place to film other than the fact we know the owners is because it is a well known pub that regularly holds music performance nights, which  reflects the idea of our video as well as the song chosen. We understand as a group that it is going to be hard getting up there with all the equipment which is why we are planning to go up there 3 hours before the cast to ensure we have set up properly with everything we need.

My contribution to the music video.

Due to the fact that I wasn't present for the first 2 weeks as I wasn't part of the group at the start of the year. When starting the A2 course in July, Ellis and myself already decided to use 'Down in Mexico' as the song for our music video and luckily, Lubna, Ellis and Katy were still using that song, so everything I had looked at before (like background information on the band and the song) still applied.
To start with, Lubna's attendance was rather poor because of family matters so getting all our idea's down was quite hard. All of us have different tastes in music as well as completely different idea's when it came down to creating the music video. Ellis and I had seen the movie 'Deathproof' which the song was featured in so we thought that we could use the scene it was played in which was a Mexican type bar (Honky tonk) and expand on that idea.
I thought that we could use a band and Katy came up with the idea of having a woman walk in who is attracted to the lead singer and the brainstorming went from there. Ellis knew some of his friends that were willing to take part in the band scenes and I asked one of my friends to be 'the other man' in the music video.
Over all, I think we all done well and worked well as a team, which to be honest, I'm surprised at because although myself and Katy have stuck together from the first lesson, I hadn't spoken to Lubna much before this year and as Ellis and I are from completely different social groups, we had never spoken, but as I said, we all get on very well and have all become friends.

Monday 10 October 2011



Julide Ayger will be playing the 'girl', her first appearance is half way through the song but she is vital to the music video narrative. She is the object of two guy's affection; the 'Lead Singer' and the 'Other Guy'.

Daniel Drinkwater will be playing the 'Lead Singer' who performs the song "Down in Mexico" with his 'band' at the venue where the music video is set. Midway through the song, the 'girl' enters and they have a connection; we see this through Daniel walking off of the stage and singing the song to Julide personally. By the end of the song the two are walk out of the venue together.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Creating the animatic storyboard

During our last lesson we began putting together animatic storyboards. This required drawing and annotating many story boards which demonstrate every single shot throughout the whole music video. Putting together the story boards was probably the longest job as it required timing it to the song perfectly and also coloring every picture which seemed to take ages. The next step was for me to take photographs of each panel so we could then upload each photo of the panels on to the computer, just like the music video we had place each shot for the correct amount of time following the song to perfect timing. This of course then aloud us to play about with the timing and shots which we could then actually watch like a music video. I do believe that this will help us greatly when putting together our final piece because we will know exactly what to do.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Costumes and Characters

the "Lead Singer" (played by Daniel Drinkwater)
White t-shirt
Blue jeans (worn/rough)
Brown shoes

the "Main Girl" (played by Julide Ayger)
Short black dress
Brown belt
Black wedges
Red lipstick

the "Other Guy" (played by Adam Wiseman)
Hair slicked back
Black boots

the "Drummer" (played by)
Blue jeans

the "Backing Singer" (played by)
Blue jeans

Katy O'Neill, Alex Harvey

Sunday 2 October 2011

Shot List - "Down in Mexico"

1. Establishing shot of the bar
2. Medium shot of band member playing the saxophone
3. Medium close up shot of a glass sliding down the bar
4. Medium shot from the stage looking down at the audience
5. Medium long shot of the lead singer singing
6. Medium shot of the lead singer singing
7. Medium shot of an audience member dancing/enjoying themselves
8. Close up of the ‘other guys’ fingers tapping to the music
9. Previous shot pans up to a medium of the ‘other guy’ looking around the bar
10. Close up of the ‘other guys’ eyes as he searches the audience
11. Medium long shot of the bar with the ‘other guy’ and two girls at it
12. Over the shoulder medium shot of the ‘other guy’ looking over at the girls and smiling
13. Medium shot of the girls smiling back and then laughing nervously
14. Medium shot of the backing singer singing
15. Medium long shot of the drummer
16. Low angle medium close up of the lead singer singing.
17. Medium close up shot of the backing singer singing
18. Medium over the shoulder shot of an audience member enjoying the music
19. Medium close up of the audience member nodding to the music
20. Medium shot of the lead singer singing
21. Close up of the lead singer tapping his foot to the beat
22. Close up of the lead singer playing guitar (guitar head/neck)
23. Medium shot of lead singer singing
24. Medium close up of drunk audience member winking
25. Medium close up of backing singer singing
26. Close up shot of the door opening
27. Medium shot of the lead singer singing
28. Extreme close up of the girl putting lipstick on
29. Close up of the girl’s feet as she walks in
30. Previous shot pans up the reveal her face (medium close up)
31. Medium close up of the ‘other guy’ watching the girl walk
32. Medium long shot of the girl walking to the dance floor
33. Medium close up of the girl smiling cheekily to the lead singer
34. Medium long shot of the girl dancing to the beat
35. Medium close up of the girl getting a black lace fan from her belt
36. Medium close up shot of her moving her fan/dancing to the beat
37. Medium close up shot of her brushing the fan up her leg
38. Medium shot of the girl dancing to the beat
39. Medium shot of an audience member giving the girl some castanets
40. Medium shot of the girl dancing with the castanets
41. Medium long shot of the ‘other guy’ getting up from his seat and walking towards the girl
42. Medium shot of the ‘other guy’ putting his arm around the girl’s back
43. Medium shot of the ‘other guy’ creepily smiling at the girl
44. Medium close up of the ‘other guy’ attempting to kiss the girl’s neck
45. Close up shot of the girl’s face in disgust
46. Medium shot of a waitress walking past with a tray of drinks
47. Medium close up of the girl taking a drink off of the tray
48. Medium close up of the girl throwing the drink into the ‘other guys’ face
49. High angle medium close up if the ’other guys’ face in shock as the drink is thrown in his face
50. Low angle medium shot of the lead singer singing
51. Medium shot of the backing singer singing
52. Medium close up of the lead singer singing
53. Medium close up of the girl singing along
54. Medium long shot of the lead singer singing
55. Close up shot of the lead singer’s feet as he walks towards the girl
56. Medium long shot of the lead singer walking towards the girl
57. Medium shot of the girl moving to the beat with her fan as well as singing along
58. Medium shot of the lead singer singing to the girl
59. Medium close up shot of the girl singing along
60. Medium shot of the lead singer and the girl walking off
61. Medium long shot of a member of the audience jumping on stage to continue the song
62. Medium shot of the drunk audience member ‘singing’
63. Long shot of the lead singer and the girl walking away from the camera
64. Medium shot of the drunk audience member ‘singing’
65. Medium shot of the backing singer singing and the drunk audience member putting his arm around him
66. Medium long shot of the drunk audience member ‘singing’
67. Medium close up of the drunk audience member ‘singing’

Annotated Lyrics for our "Down in Mexico"